If you have ever compared different web hosting website to purchase web hosting. So you must have heard or seen about SSD hosting and HDD hosting.
These two types of hosting provide different types of storage disks that can be offered or provided by any web hosting company on the internet to store data. You must have knowledge of what kind of storage disk your web hosting company offering or providing to you if you have already purchased hosting and which is better for you SSD hosting or HDD hosting. Both types of hosting are great to store website data, but if we compare both hosting, then there are many benefits of SSD hosting.
In this article, I will tell you what SSD and HDD hosting, why SSD is better and the benefits of SSD hosting.
Difference between SSD and HDD
HDD (Hard Disk Drive): It is an old storage type hard drive which contains a physical disk to stores your data. when you want to access your data from hard drive, that time disk will spin to read your data because of this there is some delay while reading and writing data in hard drive HDD is widely used storage type for the computer.
SSD (Solid State Drive): Opposite from HDD, In SSD there is no physical disk to stores your data. The whole data is stored in one chip only. Because of in SDD no moving parts available. SSD read and write data very fast than an HDD.
Which are the advantages of SSD hosting?
Below I have mentioned the different benefits of SSD hosting over HDD hosting:Faster Speed for Hosting: SSD (Solid State Drives) is faster than the HDD (Hard Disk Drive), So because of that in case SSD hosting give faster speed than HDD hosting and serve or render website page faster. for SEO it is very important to have a faster load time.
Higher Data Security: HDD(Hard Disk Drive) contain physical disk which relies on spinning to read and write from disk, So there higher changes for mechanical failure in HDD. If your HDD drive fails, then your data is in high risk. for precautions, you often have to take backup of your site.
Faster Request Execution: Opposite from HDD, SSD can do both reads and write data at the same time. This means it serves web requests faster than HDD hosting and gives great performance for heavy sites request.
If your websites more interact with the database or in other terms if your website performs more query execution then you have to host your website on SSD hosting because SSD hosting perform query execution faster compare to HDD hosting and give the great performance.
The cost of SSD is higher than the HDD for the same size storage. But there is some hosting site which is providing budget share hosting with SDD storage type. In future, one will come when SSD hard drive will replace HDD hard drive for faster performance and great speed.
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SSD vs HDD hosting, Why SSD is better and know the benefits of SSD Hosting
Reviewed by Hardik Khatri
November 29, 2018
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